
2020-01-12 01:39悦读文网

Funniest joke of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival named


p>A joke about the new pound coin has been named the funniest of the?Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

p>一句关于新英镑硬币的笑话当选2017爱丁堡艺穗节最佳冷笑话,作者是一位名叫Ken Cheng的华裔喜剧演员。

p>Ken Cheng?won the 10th annual award for?Dave's Funniest Joke Of The Fringe with the line: "I'm not a fan of the new pound coin, but then again, I hate all change."

p>这句话是,我不喜欢新款一英镑的银币,不过我本来也讨厌所有零钱(改变)。Ken Cheng的这句话在爱丁堡艺穗节(也称“爱丁堡边缘艺术节”)第十届'大卫最有趣玩笑奖'评出的15个笑话中名列第一。

p>The joke, from his show Ken Cheng: Chinese Comedian, won 33% of a public vote on a shortlist of gags picked by comedy critics.

p>该奖项由喜剧评论家们投票决定,Ken Cheng的这句话获得了33%的选票。

p>Previous winners of the award include Tim Vine, Stewart Francis and Zoe Lyons.

p>著名喜剧演员提姆?宛恩斯图尔特?弗朗西斯和Zoe Lyons此前也获得过此奖。

p>Cheng studied maths at Cambridge for a year before dropping out to play online poker professionally.

p>Ken Cheng 曾经在著名的剑桥大学学习数学,但后来退学成为一名网络扑克手。

p>On winning the Dave prize, Cheng said: "I am very proud to have won. As a tribute, I will name my firstborn son after this award and call him 'Joke of the Fringe'."

p>获奖后,Ken Cheng 说:“我为此感到骄傲,为了表示我的感谢,我将为我的第一个儿子取名为‘边缘的玩笑’。”

p>The award, which was voted on by 2,000 people, lists jokes anonymously to avoid any bias towards well-known comedians.



